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সৌন্দর্য চর্চায় সাধারণ যে ৫ টি ভুল করে থাকি - There are 5 mistakes that are common in beauty practice - MahmudTechBD

Every day we do a lot of practical work in form awareness. But we may be unaware that we are doing many things that are harming our bodies. Let's find out 5 mistakes like this

১. Use of conditioner in full head:

Many of us use conditioner after shampooing hair at bath time to eliminate hair roughness and add various nutrients to the hair. But the thing to note is that there are many people who use whole hair instead of just using hair conditioner. The thing to remember is that conditioning is not appropriate for all heads. It is only suitable for use in hair. This rubs on the skin of the head leads to the possibility of damage.

2. Using Bodyspray

Bodyspray is mainly for spraying cloth. But most people make the mistake that they spray on the body rather than spray on cloth. You do not know the quality of the body spray or perfume used. Therefore, do not use skin spray to relieve various skin diseases including skin cancer.

৩. Not to mention throat skin:

We care about the skin on the face. I use various creams or lotions to keep the skin on the face, but I do not use them on the neck. The face looks quite bright, but the neck looks relatively black. It should be noted that the mouth and throat are not separate. The same type of materials used in face care should also be used in the skin care of the neck.

৪. Using a moisturizer around the eyes:

Moisturizer is mainly used on the skin of the face to soften and dry. But if this moisturizer is used on or around the eye, then there may be various problems with eye irritation. In addition, the appearance of fatigue and sleep apnea may appear in the eyes. This is why one should refrain from using moisturizers around the eyes.

৫. Bath for a long time

Bathing for a long time this summer is nice. But bathing for a long time is not good for the body. Because in the bath for a long time, the body's oiliness is reduced and the skin becomes extra dry. The use of soap and shampoo increases its dryness even further.

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